If you have come up with a unique invention that you plan on manufacturing, distributing and selling, then you should have some kind of way to protect it from being used without your permission. With the use of a patent, you can secure the rights to your invention.
A patent can limit how your invention is used. You would have exclusive rights to decide who can use your invention. Individuals or companies that wish to use your invention would need to seek your permission before using, manufacturing, distributing or selling it.
Here is what you should know if you plan on patenting your invention:
What is patent infringement?
Despite having an invention protected by a patent, businesses and individuals may try to use an invention without your permission, which is called patent infringement. If you are the patent holder for an invention, you can stop parties from infringing on your rights by sending a cease and desist notice. You can also pursue the infringing parties for damages.
How do you apply for a patent?
Before applying for a patent, it is important to do a search for similarly designed inventions. If an invention is original in design, you can make a formal patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). There are three kinds of patents that you can apply for: utility, design and plant patents. Understanding the type of patent you are applying for, gathering important documentation and paying fees is often necessary to receive a patent.
If you want to learn more about patents, need assistance filing for a patent or need to stop patent infringement, you can seek legal help.